The Importance of Pre-Purchasing a Headstone

May 20, 2021
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pre-planning headstoneHeadstone memorials are a significant part of remembering loved ones. When a loved one passes, it can be challenging to decide on memorial details and the best way to honor someone. This is why pre-purchasing a headstone is essential because it can make the processes easier later on. There are several reasons why pre-purchasing your monument is essential. We’re going to go through some of those in this article.

Reduced Stress

Processing the death of a loved one is extremely difficult for family and friends. Many things need organization on top of dealing with the emotional stress of losing a loved one. Having to design and purchase a headstone memorial would only add more stress. By pre-purchasing your memorial, you would be taking off a huge burden from your loved ones and reducing the amount of stress they will experience later.

Extra Time to Make Decisions

After you’ve passed, your family experiences a time crunch for making funeral and burial arrangements. Purchasing your memorial early on gives you more time to think about what you want your memorial to look like, what it will say, and where your family will place it. Pre-purchasing allows you to consider all of the different options as well. Look into our portfolio to see the various design options you have for a headstone memorial.

Planning with Family

Along with having more time to think about the design of your memorial, pre-purchasing gives you the ability to discuss the decisions with your loved ones if you wish. You can get help by asking their opinions, gaining new perspectives, and asking them to help you decide if you’re stuck in a rut with choosing something. 

Saving Family Costs

Designing your headstone means you will incur the costs of it yourself. Planning and purchasing your monument can seem like a burden. However, there are many emotions and tasks your loved ones deal with after you’ve passed, so deciding to purchase your memorial will save your family some money later.


If you have considered pre-purchasing your headstone memorial, contact Gifford Monument in Ada, Oklahoma, Wylie, Texas, and Alamogordo, New Mexico. We are experts in memorial design and have many options for you to choose from. We believe pre-purchasing is an excellent option for anyone even considering it, and we would love to help you design yours. Check us out on social media, or give us a call to learn more about our services!
