Planning a Funeral During a Health Crisis

October 15, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people around the world in countless ways. Everything is on pause, and the way that we do everyday things is changed forever. While we can reschedule some events, there are other events where that is not possible, and you have to find a way to keep the attendees safe, like funerals, for example. After a loved one passes away, the family only has a certain amount of time to plan a funeral. So, funerals are not events that can wait until after the pandemic. Funerals are incredibly important events that honor the deceased and allow loved ones to celebrate their life. So, here are a few tips for planning a funeral during a health crisis!

Tips for Planning a Funeral During a Health Crisis

  • Listen to your funeral director – Your funeral director will be up-to-date on the most recent recommendation for funeral safety from the CDC.
  • Practice social distancing – If your loved one had a large family or knew lots of people, there will most likely be big crowds at your wedding. Many people attending makes social distancing difficult, but the CDC does offer some tips specifically for funerals!
  • Webcasting – Thanks to the national lockdowns, most people are familiar with at least some form of video conferencing software. Due to this, many funeral homes can webcast services to keep in-person attendance at a safe level.
  • Adjust the funeral arrangements – Another option is only to invite immediate family for the initial funeral service. Then, when health recommendations are less restrictive, invite extended family and friends to a gathering to celebrate the deceased’s life!

Gifford Monument Works is Available to Answer All of Your Inquiries

The passing of a loved one is one of the most challenging things anyone can go through, and it is now more challenging than ever. Get in touch with Gifford Monument today to find out the answers to your pressing questions regarding the planning and headstone design process. We have made it easy to purchase custom headstone and grave markers online. We are the top custom monument designer in Wylie, Texas, and Ada, Oklahoma. Give us a call today!
