FAQs About Custom Monuments

August 30, 2021
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When a loved one has passed away, it can be an overwhelming experience. There are many things to handle and organize, all while you’re in the middle of the grieving process. So when it comes to choosing a custom monument, you might have a lot of questions. That’s why we’ve together a few answers to FAQs that people generally have about custom monuments. 

What Materials Should I Choose?

The monument’s material comes down to personal taste and budget. Monuments come in many materials like stone, granite, bronze, and others. You might have a specific look in mind, or you want something extremely durable. You can speak with an expert about your design and expectations, and they’ll help you choose the material that’s best for the monument. 

What Can I Put on the Stone?

Some locations have specific rules about what you can and can’t put on the monuments. It would be best if you spoke with the cemetery about their rules before deciding on a design. Outside of that, you can add words, lettering, pictures, and other details that make the monument special for the memory of your loved one. 

When Can I Expect the Monument to be Finished?

The timeline of creation depends on the customization and materials you’ve requested. The general expectation can be anywhere between 2 and 4 months, but you should speak with the memorial company about specific timeline details after you’ve finalized the design.


If you’re looking for a company that creates custom monuments, call Gifford Monument in Ada, Oklahoma, Wylie, Texas, and Alamogordo, New Mexico, today. We are experts in the industry and can answer all of your questions about the process. So contact us today for more information. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more information. 
