Cremation Urns: What You Need to Know

cremation urns

Losing a loved one can be hard. Organizing all of the details is very difficult when you’re trying to cope with the loss as well. If your loved one has requested to be cremated and your job is to pick out the urn, this is one extra task that can stress you out on your to-do list, especially if this … Read More

Long-Lasting Flowers for Gravesites

oklahoma monuments ada

Visiting your loved one’s memorial is a very sentimental event. Many people bring fresh flowers to honor their loved ones. Luckily, if you’re looking for different flower options to choose from, there are a few long-lasting flower species you can choose from, so your memorial will last between visits.  Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums are known for being resistant to cold weather and … Read More

How to Clean a Cemetery Monument

online monuments dallas texas

Cemetery monuments should last a very long time, but a handful of things can affect a monuments’ appearance. Weather conditions like snow, rain, fluctuating temperatures, and sunlight can cause monuments to get dirty and deteriorate over time. Tree sap, falling leaves, bird droppings, plant growth, and sometimes even the cemetery’s irrigation system can change monuments’ appearance. Luckily, cleaning supplies and … Read More

Monuments Throughout Time

About Us Gifford Monument

When one thinks about headstones and monuments, the thought of granite slabs or upright slab designs may come to mind. This makes sense because this is the current standard for the modern headstone. However, a cemetery burial with a monument simply said your name, birth date, and death date wasn’t always the norm. Today, let’s take some time to appreciate … Read More

4 Headstone Maintenance Tips

cleaning a headstone

Headstone and monument maintenance may seem like a simple wash job, but it isn’t. There are really some specific tips that people should follow when cleaning a granite monument properly. Here are four of our best tips that will help ensure a long life for your loved one’s granite monument.

Risks When Buying Headstones Online

buying headstones online

Purchasing a headstone or monument for a loved one can be a stressful experience. Some may be tempted to perform this task online because it may seem like a simple solution at the moment. However, there are several risks involved with purchasing a headstone online, and these mistakes can be costly. Make sure you ask these important questions before buying … Read More